Starting your year with a bang and a plan.

Whether we are cruising along nicely or feel like we’ve been foot-tripped and skidding sideways precariously towards 31st of December, there’s no denying 2019’s days are numbered.

I’ve always been curious as to why the 31st of December feels like a virtual finish line and 1st of January an invisible start line. But if like most of us you adhere to this, the end of the year break does make for an excellent time to review, reset, regroup and renew.

Speaking at a recent event in New Zealand last week, many people fed back they simply wanted more time to catch their breath, relax and not feel guilty about it in 2020. Other clients have said they want to reprioritise their health specifically around better eating habits, find new interests outside of work, less time on social media and make a conscious effort to extend their social circles. What’s on your agenda?

This kick off with a bang and a plan will take fifteen minutes max but an hour is ideal. It’s very painless – in actual fact quite pleasant. And rocks a lot harder than any New Years resolutions you will make for one night and keep for about 10 days. Grab your paper and pen and answer the questions below.

  1. Yes, I did that. CELEBRATE 2019.

  • What was absolutely awesome?

  • What did you learn? There is no failure only feedback.

  • Who are you grateful for? (Let them know!)

  • What will you take with you into 2020? A learning or success perhaps.


2. Time to move on. LETTING GO.

What are you willing to let go of? If you only answer one question answer this. So many of us avoid it but it’s fundamental if you want to grow. Is there a project that’s been on the to do list for years that isn’t happening? An event which you’re cursing yourself about? An emotion which is holding you back? A person who isn’t positively influencing your life and bringing you down? Have the conversations you need to and MOVE ON.

“Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop” Rumi

3. Here’s what I want to happen and why. ACTION STATIONS.

  • Name 5 things you want to commence, change or complete. And if not now, when? They can be habits, goals, a review of your personal brand ‘story’ or even a sabotage clean out.

  • Zones to consider: career, relationships, adventure, personal development, health, education.

  • For each game changing action list at least three reasons WHY you want it to happen. Without VERY good reasons you’ll find it ends up on your ‘did not complete’ list.


4. Let’s keep moving. MAINTENANCE & MOTIVATION

  • What will you read/ learn more about to propel you forward?

  • When does your plan start? We all know what “Next Monday” means. Commit to a date.

  • How often will you review your plan?

  • Who is on your team for 2020 to help make everything happen ?

  • When you lack motivation what/ who/ how will you get your momentum back? Have a reset strategy.

  • Share your plans with at least one close buddy who is good at holding you accountable. AKA your accountabilibuddy.

  • Visualize it. One of the strongest ways to make it all happen is to visualize yourself enjoying your success this time next year.

If you need any motivation tools or tips feel free to get in touch for some quick and easy ideas to get going.


Get motivated. Stay motivated.


A short & sweet lesson on being.